Monday, August 23, 2010

Its better to be with no one than to be with the wrong one .

Today is ghost festivalllll. I am TERRIFIED. TERRIFIED I SAY TERRIFIED. I was so bloody scared last night I nearly cried because my friend wished me HAPPY GHOST FESTIVAL =D!! Then my dog started barking at something. I was really really really really really really scared.

Thank god for these 2 awesome people, CLINTON LOI AND DICKSON TOH! :D
Clinton offered hugssssss even though hes so effing far away AND HOPES FOR A FEMALE GHOST TO HAUNT HIM LOL.
Dickson stayed up with me! :D
*psttt I should stop doing this to him man, making him stay up with me until I fall asleep because I get scared every night -_-* I'm a failure. sigh.

Tonight is still ghostie festival day. Imma need to find someone to stay awake with me, again. I hate myself or being so scared of these shit man. Irrational fear much? :(

Its better to be with no one than to be with the wrong one.

P.S: To you, I hope that meant me =P faster lah. =D

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